Thursday 23 August 2018

One question, am I almost done?

Nice to meet you guys.

For your knowing, I have almost completed this semester 4, can’t wait for the next semester to gain more experience and new knowledge. So basically, the most critical course that always has grievances from the seniors which is Critical Literacy is actually not that hard. It is just we have to read more reading materials in order to enhance our knowledge and sharpen our thinking skills.

Other than that, this course helps us to find the exact solutions of some problems. It trains us on how to think outside the box with logic reasons so that we will not having problem whenever we are in the work sector in future. The way on how we think of something somehow shows our ability to handle some problems.

For me, it is good enough for the college students to learn this course as they will be exposed to the outside reality in their future. Moreover, without the need to attend any outside course, they are already have been thought to think differently and not just take the facts given.

On the other hand, in order to ease the students’ understanding, interesting slides and some practical exercises might help us a lot. It is because at the beginning, usually the students must have their negative thoughts about the new topic. That is why detail and better explanation is a must to grab their attention and make them understand it well.

Hope this writing will give some awareness to improvise the way students learn the subject in the class.

I wish all of you will pass the course with flying colours in time to come.
Thank you so much for your time. Have a nice day.


The Arguments of Vaccination

Good morning people!
So what are we going to talk about for today? No worries, I already got an interesting topic for you guys.

The ministry has detected nearly 1,600 children who did not get vaccinated last year and this figure is increasing every year”. By Bernama – July 28, 2017 @ 11.37pm

The Health Minister, Datuk Seri Dr S. Subramaniam said that most parents refused to vaccinate their children even though they are those who live in big cities and highly educated. Why do you think they did so?

Of course there must be reason on why they avoid their child from getting vaccinated. The most notable one is about the side effects that might be happened to the kids if they got vaccinated. Yes, it is true there got some issues happened to several kids but it does not give harms to them in a long period of time but still, it worries the parents for taking the risk. The advantages given somehow are bigger than the effect that will help them in future.

However, vaccinating them since they were kids plays a myriad role in terms of taking a good care of their health for a long time. For your information, our children have the most weak body immunization compared to the other age of people. The vaccine will help them to prevent from any chronicle diseases that is become common experienced by the all ages which is cancer and those infectious disease. That is why vaccinate their child in early age will help them to keep healthy without getting sick easily when they are growing up.

Other than that, the vaccinating process itself once had an issue with its halal assurance one of the extensive reason why the refusal of vaccination occurred. For the Moslems, they will take this as the biggest part that must be aware of since it is related to the law of their religion. Those parents with high educational apparently will avoid their families from such haram things that in fact will give bad impact to them. It is clearly showed that they are actually did not want to take a big risk for the sake of their children’s’ health.

As a conclusion, every people do have their own opinion about the benefits and its disadvantages of vaccinating from their own knowledge and experiences. But, they also need to consider the society’s worries on the possible effect that might be happened if they still refuse to do so. Really hope this issue will finally find the reasonable solution to achieve a better life in the becoming days.

Thanks for your time. Till we meet again!

Is Hollywood Great Enough?

Hello peeps!
Nice to meet you again here. Have you ever heard about this statement throughout any media?

Hollywood produces great movies, but they don’t always tell the truth even it is based on “true stories”.

            Do you know what actually the meaning of Hollywood is? Let me inform you. Hollywood is a section of Los Angeles, California northwest of the downtown district and it is a major center of the U.S. motion-picture and television industries.

 I believe that most of you have heard the quote that stated Hollywood always faked out the true story in order to attract people’s attention. For me, I do agree with the statement due to several reasons that basically based on these two motions.

The first one is from Jacob Shelton with his statement, “fake it till you make it” that assumed the place itself is where everything you see is not what it seems. Jacob Shelton is a writer, humorist, director, audio engineering expertise and a musician. His statement is somehow reasonable as people keep on asking for interesting stories that have the best plot. From that issue, it shows that the producers have to find their way to create a bombastic movie that will give big impact to the audience. That is why they have to change a bit here and there from the origin story to achieve their main goal.

Next, the second motion is from Ms Matilda by saying “cutting out the boring part” had once became a viral issue in the social media. I am sure most of you also agree with it, right? Known as Miss Trunchbull, is the fictional headmistress of Chrunchem Hall Elementary School in the 199 film. Due to high request and big competition among the other movie production, they need to find something new and tend to cut a few of them which are the boring parts. This method will ease the process of producing best movies without the need to fix them.  

However, Hollywood is still famous nowadays in the top rank with many types of television productions. It is not a problem if they not telling the truth as long as the movies will be accepted by the audience besides can receive many benefits from them. For sure, by faking everything will not be a big deal for them to gain more support from audiences.

Hence, it is not even a big deal if the people do not know about the true stories because they only want something to be entertained with. That’s it. The working people especially want to spend their leisure time by watching movies obviously will not take it too much in terms of its truth. It is like nobody will care as long as it is enjoyable to watch.

All in all, Hollywood production does have its own premises and counter arguments from different views. The most important thing is we, as the society cannot simply the movies production by bad-mouthing about their creation. No matter what happened, it is still on the top as the best movie production over the world.      

That is all for today. Thank you.

Wednesday 22 August 2018


Holla Holla people!

So today I am going to share with all of you about stereotyping. It is because this issue has been a viral topic among the society that will become worse if no precaution step will be taken.

STEREOTYPING : What is the word means? Let me explain it to you. A stereotype is actually a fixed general image or set of characteristics that a lot of people believe represent a particular type of person or thing. It is exaggerated generalizations associated with a categorizing system, they go beyond the facts at hand and make claims that usually have no valid basis. Sounds a bit cruel, isn’t it?

This matter is common enough among the society. They keep on labelling those persons or group that they don’t really favour or have problem with.  For example, those men that might look a bit gentler than women, people will call them as transvestite. Usually this kind of people will always be discriminated by the others just by looking at their appearance.

However, why do people keep on stereotyping each other by the way? Let me get you the basic one such as 'men are trash'. If they are all trash and useless like others did, we will stay single till forever. There will be no further generation if all of them has stereotyped as cannot be trusted as what women claimed so.

We have to know that all the human being is not perfect and they do have different attitudes. We can’t just labelled them as bad people just because some of them being rude and unmoral. They do have feelings just like us.

That is why common sense here is very important. Do not downgrade people by throwing the humorous mats towards among each other.

I hope that society will cooperate well in order to live in a harmony country without any unpleasantness occurred.   

Really hope this sharing will give benefits to you. Till we meet again in future.


Wednesday 15 August 2018

Expectation for Critical Literacy

Hi guys!

How was your day today?
I hope everything went well for all of you.

I am Ain Suhaimi, Diploma in English Communication student which now is in semester 4. In this semester, we do have variety of subjects including Critical Literacy.

Do you know what Critical Literacy is? Whoaa.. It sounds so complicated right. Of course, I have heard a lot of comments and maybe grievances from the seniors about it and of course most of them make me quite worried to enter this hectic semester.

To be honest, as a student, I am afraid when it comes to this critical subject. In the first place, I expected the class will be boring and difficult to understand since our lecturer, Ms Anis has informed us that we need to think out of the box and be creative. The topics given need us to search what are actually some of the article are all about in order to sharpen our thinking skills.

For me, Critical Literacy is an interesting subject as in it gives me a lot of new knowledge and important information on how to identify every single reading method that we have in detail. Maybe for some students, it is rigid to find the information one by one but then it does helps us a lot in terms of understand the text provided better. The method somehow taught the student to think critically and not burdening them. As for us, we do have VIVA presentation at the end of the semester and we have to stand strong to support our opinion by answering all the questions given by the panels. It is clearly shows that this course will train them to be ready to face all the upcoming obstacles in their future time.

I do love this course as in it influences me in many ways, but with a condition which I have to revise and revise what I have learnt about the previous topic in the class. Not to forget, don’t hesitate to ask your lecturers if something confusing your mind as in it will distract you to get the answer.  

Thus, I really hope that I can master it well and have good result for my VIVA presentation that can help me to pass this course with flying colours.

That’s all for today, thank you for your time!

One question, am I almost done?

Hi! Nice to meet you guys. For your knowing, I have almost completed this semester 4, can’t wait for the next semester to gain more ...