Thursday 23 August 2018

One question, am I almost done?

Nice to meet you guys.

For your knowing, I have almost completed this semester 4, can’t wait for the next semester to gain more experience and new knowledge. So basically, the most critical course that always has grievances from the seniors which is Critical Literacy is actually not that hard. It is just we have to read more reading materials in order to enhance our knowledge and sharpen our thinking skills.

Other than that, this course helps us to find the exact solutions of some problems. It trains us on how to think outside the box with logic reasons so that we will not having problem whenever we are in the work sector in future. The way on how we think of something somehow shows our ability to handle some problems.

For me, it is good enough for the college students to learn this course as they will be exposed to the outside reality in their future. Moreover, without the need to attend any outside course, they are already have been thought to think differently and not just take the facts given.

On the other hand, in order to ease the students’ understanding, interesting slides and some practical exercises might help us a lot. It is because at the beginning, usually the students must have their negative thoughts about the new topic. That is why detail and better explanation is a must to grab their attention and make them understand it well.

Hope this writing will give some awareness to improvise the way students learn the subject in the class.

I wish all of you will pass the course with flying colours in time to come.
Thank you so much for your time. Have a nice day.


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One question, am I almost done?

Hi! Nice to meet you guys. For your knowing, I have almost completed this semester 4, can’t wait for the next semester to gain more ...